Martes, Setyembre 4, 2012

Life is Like a Wheel : Sometimes Your Up , Sometimes Your Down

     I can compare life as a wheel, sometimes we are on the top with full of grace and at the same time on the down part of the wheel full of struggle. Life is the greatest gift from God, here in our earth we experience the joy and loneliness.

Life, God has only given us one chance to live on earth, and to experience all of the things he created it upon us to make the right decision or to make life miserable and hopeless.

Life, God has only given us one chance to live on earth, and to experience all of the things he created it upon us to make the right decision or to make life miserable and hopeless.

God created us and gave us the chance to live because of a purpose for us to explore. He made us for a purpose and it’s in us on how we manipulate and make a good decision. God make challenges for us to conquer it or to challenge how far someone can stand on his decision. Everyone it given a chance to make decision, it’s on us on how we can handle the situation.

As time pass, curiosity is finding its way to explore new and more possibilities that god has created and not yet discovered by man.

When were born, we are now the real world after our mom give birth to us.

Think of what God gives us,

 A family worth loving and caring for. In times of happiness and loneliness, they ate one of the people we can stand for. The one that makes our personality and the mirror of what we are. Without them, our life can be useless.

Friends who make us feel "in' and also the one that comforts us.

Romans 5:10 For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.

Imagine this things if god didn't made this for us

   Lets all thank God for all the blessings he gives to us everyday. :))))